November 28, 2010

My baby girl is 7 months

OK, I know I am a little behind with these (she is about to be 8 months).  But time is flying and my baby girl is growing sooo fast! She is really starting to develop her little personality and lets us know when she dislikes something!  She doesn't like when other people hold her and I am in view.  She HATES when people eat in front of her and she has nothing to eat.  She also doesn't like to be sleepy and not in her crib.  Justin and I really try and focus on not letting her get what she wants, when she wants it to try and minimize the whinyness... not sure if it is working  :)

On the other hand, she is happy a whole lot of the time and shows this by flailing her arms and legs and scrunching her nose and breathing really fast out of her puckered lips. So cute! She loves to have squealing contests with mommy and thinks playing animated peek-a-boo while disappearing then reappearing is the best thing in the world, next to food that is.  She may be a skinny mini but she sure does like to eat!  She is now taking her food with a little more texture, which makes it easier for mommy to whip up!  Her favorite snacks are mum-mum crackers, but she still cannot quite get to the last bite which is usually smashed in her clenched fists.  And heaven forbid Madelyn willingly give up that last morsel to you so that you can feed it to her.... she protests loudly! 

She is definitely more mobile...  She prefers rolling to get where she wants to go, but I believe she will be crawling soon because she has started pulling herself along with her arms and just dragging her body when she gives up pulling her legs under her.  She really has just been such a joy and a great baby!  I get sad thinking of her baby days slowly becoming the past, but look forward to each new milestone she conquers! I love my little Boogie!

Gobble Gobble!

Justin's family went on a cruise for Thanksgiving, so we enjoyed the weekend with my family back in Opp, Al.  Madelyn did well with the family.  For a while, she has been crying with people she does not recognize or just gets upset if I am not holding her. 

Now I can't wait until Christmas!!